On the other hand, it warmed my heart to realize that I had spent Columbus Day AS an insider on the Qualla Boundary eating fry bread. 另一方面,当我想到我是作为一个圈内人在奎拉邦得利吃着炸面包度过了哥伦布纪念日时,我感到有一股暖流涌上心头。
It is fry bread. 和炸面包很相似。
Stir fry preserved soybeans for30 seconds, add spicy soybean paste, stir fry a little bit, then add pork, bread, garlic sprout, salt, and MSG ( optional). 放入豆瓣酱炒出香味;放肉片、薄饼、青蒜苗翻炒均匀,再放入少量盐和味精翻炒几下,即可盛盘。
Put olive oil to a pan and fry the bread over low heat in both surfaces; 放少许橄榄油于平底锅中,用低火把面包双面煎至金黄色即可上盘。